Forgot your password?

When you log in to our website portal, you can easily create a new password if you've forgotten it. Start by clicking on "Log in" in the top right corner, and then "Forgot your password?". Enter your phone number and click "Send via SMS". You will receive a verification code via SMS, which you fill in on the website. Then, you will have the opportunity to create a new password.

You don't need a password when logging into the app. Two-factor authentication is required here. You must verify your account by confirming the verification code you receive via SMS, and you may be asked to enter a license plate you have previously used in the app.

From June 2024: By updating to the latest version of the app, you will gain access to several new features. Among other things, you will be notified when you have exceeded the maximum number of login attempts. At that point, you can choose to either delete your old account and register again, or contact our customer service to regain access to your account.