What do I pay for yours services?

In order to make it as easy as possible for you to park, EasyPark takes a service fee in order to maintain our serivces.

With the standard price package, EasyPark Small, you a service fee of 15% (min. 4 DKK) of the parking price per parking.

If you park frequently, you can opt to have your price package changed to a price package that suits your parking needs.

EasyPark offers two price packages for Private customers:

  1. EasyPark Small you pay 15% (min. 4 DKK) of the parking price per parking.

  1. EasyPark Large you pay 0% per parking, but a monthly subscription fee of 69 DKK.

You can change your price package by writing to info@easypark.net

You can read more about our price packages